I must though apologise for not getting around to blogs this week. I haven't felt "right" for the last 7-10 days and last Wednesday night it took a turn for the worse. I was up at 5.00am on Thursday morning sitting downstairs - scaring both my children when they got up - and I woke my husband up at 8.00am as it was his day off saying I needed to go to the emergency dentist. I've had enough problems with my teeth to be almost certain it was a tooth at fault. Thankfully I was seen at 9.30am and the diagnosis was a failing capped tooth, a root canal needs removing BUT none of this could be done as I'd got an infection and I could barely open my mouth and certainly would never have coped with treatment. Instead I was sent away with antibiotics which haven't agreed with me but not many more to go and I have to return to the dentist tomorrow afternoon for an hour long appointment for the work to begin. Will I go - I'd like to say "no" but the pain and discomfort I'm in can't go so I will have to be a very brave girl.
So as you can imagine nothing much has happened craft-wise apart from putting the finishing touches for a few cards and then it took me a few days to post them on my blog as I can't sit very long.
The first photo shows the disgrace of my desk as I haven't tidied it up at all. Skeggy (the large dog I got on holiday in Skegness a few years ago and named him Skeggy after Skegness) and Biffa (who came with a name as some of the Keel dogs do) are father and son and they are ashamed to be associated with such a messy desk!!!
I thought I'd show you a close-up of my Pen-touch and Sakura pen pot. Last year I was bought a plant in this pot. It didn't last long as I certainly don't have green fingers and I wondered what I could use it for and I happened on the idea of a pen caddy. It's perfect as they are loose enough in there for me to have a good rummage.
I am hoping that I manage to visit more blogs this week. In case there are people that might not manage a visit in the next few weeks due to Christmas/New Year festivities, I hope you all have a lovely Christmas, a Happy New Year and all the very best for 2011.

Thats not a messy desk just a creative one.Have lovely wednesday hugs judex3
Looks pretty tidy to me..lol
Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #25
So sorry to hear of your pain! Hope you soon get it sorted.
You have my unbounded sympathy with your dental problem, any pain in your head is dreadful and toothache one of the worst.
Let's hope that your dentist sorts you out really soon so that you feel like crafting once more!
Chrissie #1
Sorry to hear you are unwell and hope the antibiotics and dentist do the trick so that you can get back to that desk. The dogs look like they are guarding it for you.
Sandra #57
Hi Kym,
Good Luck with your dentist appointment [big hugs]. Skeggy and Biffa cannot be too concerned about the mess as they are still looking at it (and I don't think it is too bad at all). If they were really disgusted I'm sure they would turn abound so they didn't have to look! LOL!
Susan xxox #16
Hi Kym,
Good Luck with your dentist appointment [big hugs]. Skeggy and Biffa cannot be too concerned about the mess as they are still looking at it (and I don't think it is too bad at all). If they were really disgusted I'm sure they would turn around so they didn't have to look! LOL!
Susan xxox #16
thanks so much for sharing
laura 61
ow- hope you get sorted soon..
There is nothing worse than tooth ache, hope its all sorted asap you poor thing :D
happy woyww
hugz Minxy #28
Loved the peek at your desk. Hope the dental work goes along quickly and that you feel better soon.
Vicki #95
ooh hope the toothache has subsided.. nothing worse than it over Christmas
Have a good one
Happy Woywwing
Jennie #9
OHH, I feel for you. I hope your toothache is better and you are now on the mend. I know how frustrating it is when you don't feel well and can't be on the computer. Don't worry about a visit. Just get better. We'll be here when you get well.
Ouch! Very little is as miserable as toothache. Hope you are soon on the mend. Hope Skeggy is able to provide a soft, warm place to lean on.
(And no way is that desk messy. I think you need much more practice in messiness.)
Bernie #29
Great space! Thank you for sharing. Pop over to my blog for my candy!
Ouch, poor you! hope you get your teeth well to chew on that wishbone and get back to your crafty desk!
JoZarty x
Hope you are feeling much better. Love your pencils in the tin, I have some of mine in a jar points up and yes loose, so easy to pick a color and grab and go. #79
Oh I hope your appointment with the dentist goes well and you can enjoy christmas. Love the desk, looks like a crafty cupboard - such a fab idea.
Ow Kym, how awful. I've had very similar and believe me, for the relief and the lack of foul taste, I'd have the treatment twice over! Hope as I'm late, that by now you're feeling a bit brighter.
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