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Friday, 11 September 2009

Digital Ink Co Challenge 7/9/09

Over at the Digital Ink Co Challenge Blog it is their first ever challenge. Good luck on its long life in the challenge world. I thought I'd have a go at this one as I so love poppies. The image I have coloured with watercolour pencils and Inkintense pencils. The poppy backing paper is from the My Craft Studio Garden of Romance CD and the corner detail is from the My Craft Studio Floral No Stamp Required CD. I'm not all of these work together and whether I've gone on poppy overload!!!


Micki said...

Great card Kym! The background papers go so well with the image. Your coloring is perfect!!!! Love the fibers along the edge! Thanks for playing along with us at Digital Ink. Good luck! And hope to see you again next week!

PS: I was told I have CFS about 20 years ago. My biggest battle has and still is the tiredness. Last year I was diagnosed with a form of Narolepsy. Even with drugs, still am always tired & lethargic. They suggested a spinal tab to narrow down the type....don't think so, lol. lived with it this long and although the aches/pains are getting more noticable... I'll pass on the spinal tab. Sorry, didn't mean to tell you my life story via comment :-) Big Hugs!

Yogi said...

nice card

Boni Boutelle-Jones said...

Hi Kym! Thanks so much for finding us and playing! I love how our Poppy just "pops" among all those background poppies and I just love the red fiber ribbon!! That is some of my favorite stuff to play with!! Great job and thanks again for playing!!

Darlene said...

Wonderful job on this creation Kym!! Your coloring is perfect on the poppy image and I love how you paired it with the poppy background! Thanks for joining us at the Digital-Ink Co. challenge. I hope to see more of your creations in the upcoming weeks!!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh, gorgeous card! I love your design. I can't wait to see what you create next week!
Thanks for playing this week!
Kim xXx

Judy said...

Hi Kym,

Sorry it took me so long to get by to say thank you for joining our first challenge for Digital-Ink Co. I wanted to personally thank you, and tell you what a beautifu job you did on this stamp. Totally gorgeous. I do hope you will keep joining us as we continue with our challenges.

Judy (Digital-Ink Co Owner)

stitchy said...

Hi Kym,
Awesome card you done for our challenge...I'm wondering if you will allow us to display this beautiful card in our gallery at the store...
if you are interested, could you pop me an email with a picture of the card and I will be honored to display it..
thanks for doing our challenge, it's always inspiring to see the end results of our stamps...hugz stitchy silkonglass@gmail.com

stitchy said...

Hi Kym,
Awesome card you done for our challenge...I'm wondering if you will allow us to display this beautiful card in our gallery at the store...
if you are interested, could you pop me an email with a picture of the card and I will be honored to display it..
thanks for doing our challenge, it's always inspiring to see the end results of our stamps...hugz stitchy silkonglass@gmail.com