
Friday 15 August 2014

Delicious Doodles Challenge - Friday 15 August 2014 - Anything Goes with a Delicious Doodles Image

 It is the start of another challenge over at Delicious Doodles.

Over July and August we decided to change the challenge to fortnightly and a theme of "Anything goes using a Delicious Doodles image".

It is Team A's turn to show you their creations.  
Pop on over to the Delicious Doodles Challenge Blog to look at their wonderful cards/creations.

The Delicious Doodles Challenge Blog is here.

The Delicious Doodles Shop is here.

The Delicious Darkness Shop is here.

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Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and for leaving a comment. It is really appreciated. With all my best wishes. Kym