
Friday 18 July 2014

Delicious Doodles Challenge - Friday 18 July 2014 - Anything Goes with a Delicious Doodles Image

 It is the start of another challenge over at Delicious Doodles.  

Over July and August we have decided to change the challenge to last for two weeks and that you must use a Delicious Doodles image to enter the challenge.

It is Team A's turn to show you their creations.  
Pop on over to the Delicious Doodles Challenge Blog to look at their wonderful cards/creations.

The Delicious Doodles Challenge Blog is here.

The Delicious Doodles Shop is here.

The Delicious Darkness Shop is here.

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Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and for leaving a comment. It is really appreciated. With all my best wishes. Kym