
Tuesday 31 August 2010

Why I have been so quiet!!!!

I thought I'd better explain why I've been so quiet in the blogging world of late.  Yes, I've been away for a week recently to Rhyl but I also had a card stall at Knuston Hall yesterday so I had lots of things to make for this over the last few months.  I can't do a lot at once so it's been a little bit here-and-there.  I'm not sure for definite, but I think there might have been more visitors than last year to the Knuston Hall Open Day (they hold some wonderful talks and courses and include many wonderful tutors like Pauline Loweth who we get to see on Ideal World/Create and Craft with her wonderful parchment).  The weather was kind to us.  I sold £40.50 worth of cards and as per my norm 50% of all my sales go to charity so I gave £20.50 back to Knuston Hall to go towards the Help for Heroes charity.

Here are a few pictures of the stall:

There were many visitors to my stall yesterday which meant a lot and my cards, those of a family friend and also cards that have been donated to me for my charity work all went on the stall and sold.  Thankfully I do have some left as my regular monthly stall at a business complex starts again this Friday.  I had a special visitor to my stall yesterday.  Irene who I met via the internet lives nearby and came and paid a visit which meant more than words can say.

I would just like to say a personal thank you to those with websites and those in the blogging world/forums that donate items for me to use for my cardmaking, donate cards and those that give me "freebies" all your help has helped me to do this stall and will continue to help me in my charity work.  THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!!!!

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Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and for leaving a comment. It is really appreciated. With all my best wishes. Kym