
Friday 13 August 2010

Annoyed ..............

I had a package delivered last Friday but I was at work.  On Monday I went to the Sorting Office only to be told a lady delivered it, it wasn't written in the book and it was lost.  They said they'd investigate and get back to me.  Needless to say I called in again on Wednesday to be told that it was still missing and that they'd get the Manager to give me a call.  Today I saw our usual postman and went and had a word with him.  He mentioned he'd been told it was a largeish box but that he had looked and looked and not found it.  I said that I'd been told that it was a lady that delivered it and hadn't written anything in the book.

When I got home I called the Manager, who at the start said he knew nothing, and then everything seemed to fall into place.  I said that I'd been told on Monday and Wednesday that a lady had delivered it and hadn't written it in the book.  He said it was my normal postman and that he'd asked him to check his van and everywhere in the Post Office but nothing was found.  I said I wasn't at all happy.  He said he'd have another look and get back to me.

A short while ago I can had a call from the Post Office to say after another thorough search the package is still missing.  Their only conclusion is that whilst writing in the book of everything to go on the shelves awaiting collection, my package has fallen into the trolleys for items to be "returned to sender".  They have since changed the location of these trolleys so this can't happen again.  If there is no "return to sender" address on the back the parcel will go to Belfast and within the month be opened up to see if there is address on the inside of the parcel.

I have checked my E-bay buys and other buys and I am not waiting for anything.

Therefore what concerns me is that someone has either sent some crafty items to me or cards for my charity stall.  I am hoping that there is a return address on the back and the sender will get it back BUT I don't want them to think I've sent it back.  Over the years I have been sent a great deal of crafty items and cards for my charity work and I am eternally grateful and would never send anything back and if it is received back from the sender it is just through an error by the Post Office.

If you are the person that has sent me a package please could you get in touch. 

1 comment:

  1. How annoying for you Kym. People should do their job properly.




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