
Sunday 6 June 2010

Fun at Fairy Knoll Sketch Challenge - Friday 4/6/10

Well it is challenge no 1 over at the Fun and Fairy Knoll Sketch Challenge (Fairy Knoll images are available here).  Good luck to the challenge blog and I'll look forward to seeing the creations from the Design Team.  I have followed the sketch and have used various snippets of paper from my stash which is depleting at a fast rate recently but that was what my New Year's Resolution was all about (for those of you that don't know, my New Year's Resolution was not to print off papers but use papers from my stash that I have bought or been given for my charity work.  Thus far this year the only papers I have printed off are for my Design Team role and commissioned cards - not bad eh considering we are just starting the sixth month of the year!!!).  I used a paper gingham ribbon, three different coloured card candy to match the spotty backing paper and a new stamp sentiment from Personal Impressions design by Paula Pasqual which I bought from Stamp Addicts at their Open Day recently.

This card also fits the following challenges:

Gingersnap Creations - Wings
Colour Create - Baby pink and pastel blue
Stamp Something - Digital challenge.


  1. Gorgeous Kym.Love the image and card

  2. this is gorgeous Kym, I love the fabulous image...thanks for joining in with the Colour Create challenge
    Mina xxx

  3. Hi Kym I love your card its so fab and fresh. Your image is coloured perfectly.

    Thanks for joining in at Fun at the Fairy Knoll, hope to see you next week!

    Sal xx

  4. Hi Kym this is truly wonderful love how you have coloured the image so soft and delicate and you have used the sketch to perfection thank you so much for sharing this with us at our very first challenge at Friday Fun at Fairy Knoll.
    Lorraine x

  5. FABULOUS job Kym! Lots of congratulations on using up your paper stash. I really need to do that, but not certain I have the discipline! Thank you for joining us at Fairy Knoll!

  6. Your card is so lovely Kim! I am so excited that you entered our first Friday Fun at Fairy Knoll challenge! Thank you! :)



  7. oh i love the gingham ribbon touch! super cool!

  8. Love your paper ribbon ... very cute fairy.

  9. Very pretty card, Kym! Thanks for playing. :)

  10. AWESOME work Kym, thanks so much for joining our first challenge at FAIRY KNOLL! Hope to see you again this week:)


Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and for leaving a comment. It is really appreciated. With all my best wishes. Kym