
Wednesday 9 September 2009

I have been a silly billy!!!!

When I was prep'ing for the Demo Day I prepared many decoupage/invertage/pyromage cards but also did some stamped cards. One image I stamped out I loved. It was one of Lindsay Mason's gorgeous owls from Personal Expressions. After the event the owl is nowhere to be seen. Normally I wash the stamp and leave on the side in the kitchen on kitchen towel, it then progresses to the hatch from the kitchen to the dining room and then I put it away. Sadly this mustn't have happened. Since I've been back from the event I've checked and re-checked everything I took and everything that sits on the dining room table and not found it. I've also searched all my crafting area, all around the house in case I did something with it that I didn't realise and I also took everything out of my craft waste bin and went through it bit-by-bit but haven't found it. Needless to say I am very annoyed with myself as that is the main reason I bought that set of stamps as I loved the image when I saw it on QVC.

The moral of this story is watch out for your rubber stamps. Obviously the clear ones are more easily thrown out when they shouldn't as you can't really see them.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you have lost it Kym I hope it turns up when you least expect it. Cathy xxxx


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