
Sunday 30 August 2009

Can you spare a thought of me tomorrow?

Well, I've been very quiet of late and a very poor blogger - I hope you will forgive me.

I've had a bit of a frantic few weeks trying to make cards and also samples for an event I am going to tomorrow. I initially said I would go there to sell my cards for charity but then they asked if I would make cards in front of people as well so I said "yes". I've never done it before but I received some wonderful advice from Joanna Sheen, Tina (from Joanna Sheen's Forum) and Jak Heath about what to do/what to take etc. Still though my stomach is in knots already. I'm also nervous how my health will stand up tomorrow but I can only give it a try. I will try and take as many breaks as I can and I've got my flask out ready to take with me as I have to constantly have hot drinks especially when I talk a lot. I've also bought one of those travel mugs with a lid as no doubt I'd knock the cup over all over my work.

I've tried to do as many different things as I could but you could just go on forever and forever. I've used many different CDs, downloads, stamped images, templates etc and I have also taken some decoupage things to cut out if I have "spare" time.

I thought I'd attach some photos of the cards I've made up for demos. Some I made the card as it should look but nearing the end I just had to get the sample cut up/prepared. I just hope I've done enough for my stint from 11.00am until 4.00pm.


  1. My, you have been busy, Kym.
    Wishing you all the best for tomorrow.
    I'm sure everything will go fine once you get started.
    Good luck, sweetie. Look forward to hearing all about it.


  2. I'm sure things will go brilliantly Kym, once the initial nerves have disappeared. Good luck and tell us all about it. You have a wonderful collection of cards here
    Beryl x

  3. You have been busy Kym! Good luck for today - I hope you really enjoy it - you go girl!!

  4. Kym, you are going to do absolutely fine. Trust me. Just take it easy and have fun with it. Can't wait to hear how you got on.
    Good luck!

  5. Forgot to say - all the cards are lovely but my favourites are the black and white Christmas cards :)

  6. Wow Kym, what a wonderful assortment of cards and techniques you've made.
    I hope everything goes well for you, but if these are anything to go by I'm sure you'll do swimmingly!
    Don't forget to let us know how you got on will you?


Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and for leaving a comment. It is really appreciated. With all my best wishes. Kym